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Worth Primary School

Proud member of Dealt

Inclusion & SEND

Statement of Inclusion

Worth Primary School is an educationally inclusive school. We are committed to promoting inclusion and continually monitor and evaluate pupil progress to ensure that all needs are being met. We believe that every child has an individual range of abilities and progresses at different rates and aim to provide the educational experiences and support required to enable all children to reach their personal potential.

Children identified as having a Disability or Special Educational Needs will be identified through our Worth Graduated Approach where their needs will be met through quality first teaching, targeted support or individual support. Where needed a pupil may have an individual personalised plan or an Education Health Care Plan drawn up listing the learning support offered with identified targets to be reached. Advice will be sought from our Special Needs Co-ordinator, and parents will be fully consulted at every stage. Advice will also be sought from the Kent SEND team. Please follow the link for the Kent SEND Strategy:


SEND strategy – Kent County Council

Our full Disability, Special Educational Needs Policy is also available for parents.

Children showing flair and aptitude in any area of the school curriculum are also identified and we have very high expectations of what these children can achieve.

Provision for our children is overseen by

Dave Vellani - SENDCo - 1 & 1/2 days a week

(main working days are Monday and Tuesday am)

Contact: senco@worth.kent.sch.uk 

Mrs Katy Chance - Headteacher 

Contact: headteacher@worth.kent.sch.uk

Equal Opportunities – Single Equality Scheme and Plan

The governors and staff at Worth Primary School are committed to providing the full range of opportunities for all pupils regardless of gender, disability, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, social, cultural, belief or religious background. All pupils have equal access to the curriculum, and the right to a learning environment which dispels ignorance, prejudice and stereotyping. The entire school community has the right to protection from insult, abuse and bullying of any kind. Discrimination on the basis of colour, culture, origin, gender or ability is unacceptable in our school.

Special Educational Needs and Disability -SEND

At Worth Primary School, it is recognised that all pupils are entitled to a quality of provision enabling them to achieve full potential. We believe in positive intervention, removing barriers to learning, raising expectations and levels of achievement, and working in partnership with other agencies in order to provide a positive educational experience for all our pupils, including those with a special educational needs or disabilities.

SEND Information report 2024

SEND Policy 2024Graduated Approach

Whole School Provision Map

Kent SEND local offerSEND code of practiceSupporting Pupils with Medical Needs Policy
Mainstream Core StandardsMainstream Core Standards - Parent Version