At Worth Primary School we pride our self on our good outcomes for pupils that ensure all pupils are ready for their next stage of education. While we understand that all children progress and learn in different ways we measure and assess against end of key stage statutory requirements. Whilst your children are with us we will use the language of ‘just at’ ‘securely at’ or ‘above’ ‘age expected’.
Our assessment looks at all areas of learning with a key focus on Reading, Writing and Mathematics.
How are the children doing?
Your child's class teacher will assess your child formally 3 times a year. We use a system called Sonar to record this.
We use Sonar for formative (daily assessments against learning objectives) and summative (end of term overall outcome).
Will will update you on your child's progress in parent consultations and in your child's end of year report. However, you are welcome to touch base with your child's class teacher anytime for an update.
There will also be statutory assessments for some children in their year group:
Year R
Baseline assessment, this will be carried out in the first few weeks of your child starting. Your child will not know it is an assessment, it is play and game based with their class teacher.
Baseline Assessment Information for Parents
Year 1
Phonics Screener, this takes place in June.
Year 2 - SATs
These will take place in May. These are teacher led and will be carried out in a familiar setting so your child feels comfortable and confident.
Year 4 - Multiplication Check
This takes place in June. It is an online check that will ask random times tables facts, timed.
Multiplication Check information for parents
Year 6 - SATs
These take place in may. This year they are on Tuesday 2nd May to Friday 5th May. These are more formal and your child will be in test conditions, however, we will support them in preparing for this so they feel confident and happy when it comes to the tests.
For more information on KS1 and KS2 SATs please click on the link below:
Year 6 pupils also have the option to sit the Kent Test. This is to determine a Grammar School place for secondary school. If you are thinking about this as an option a decision will need to be made when your child is in Year 5.