At Worth Primary School we have developed our own writing curriculum. It has developed from the principles of 'Talk for Writing' alongside carefully chosen core texts for the class. However our main focus in writing is to describe, narrate, explain, instruct, give and respond to information and argue.
Fluent writing depends on transcription and composition. Explicit teaching of foundational skills allows pupils to write effectively. Cycles of planning, drafting and revisiting and editing.
Here are some examples of the texts chosen, please note these can change to the needs of the children.Core text, genre and outcome example
Our scheme of work has created by teachers to meet the needs of our children and tailored to our curriculum topics. We run a 2 year rolling program. Within this we are able to cover all of the National Curriculum objects within a mixed year class.
- At Worth Primary school we follow stages of writing:
- The imitation stage – exploring and talking the text – model text – learning walls
- The innovation stage – developing a writing tool kit. Basic maps, retelling story, breaking the text down, manipulating the text, shared and guided writing, building the learning wall, feedback and editing work.
- Independent application –showing progress across the unit, outcome and editing.
- Final assessment – building on progression.
Within this SPAG is embedded, developing knowledge and applying within writing, including spellings.
Our handwriting scheme intends to take all pupils on a journey to using fluent, speedy and joined handwriting throughout their independent writing. This, in turn, will help to support their composition and spelling.
Writing at Worth goes beyond just English lesson. We ensure that writing in all our subjects continues the knowledge and skills taught within English. Reinforcing spelling, punctuation and grammar, as well as handwriting and application of language.