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Worth Primary School

Proud member of Dealt







At Worth, our children develop Computing skills that can thoughtfully be applied in a range of different situations throughout their schooling and beyond. The subject encourages children to develop an understanding of how technology makes a difference in all aspects of life- at home, at school, and in the workplace. 
As a school we follow Purple mash, introducing it from Reception and continuing all the way up to Year 6. There is a clear progression of skills throughout the two-year program, each year covering all strands of computing; computer science, information technology, and digital literacy. Alongside this, teaching online safety as a whole school is a focus with regular assemblies and workshops where available. 
Purple mash is also regularly used for homework throughout the school, using cross-curricular links between learning where possible. In addition to this, applying our digital literacy skills across non-core curriculum subjects, utalising them in various contexts.
Below you can find a link to purple mash, all children have a log in so they can be accessed from home. Additionally, the mixed-year group scheme of work and progression of skills. 
Purple mash login page-
 Purple Mash
At work we follow the mixed year planning for Purple Mash. Please find below:
Computing Overview
Scheme of Work
EYFS Scheme of Work

Progression of knowledge and Skills

Computing progression
Online safety progression