Dolphin Class – Year 3 & 4
Welcome to Dolphin Class!
In Dolphin class are Years 3 and 4.
Mrs Culllen and Mrs Osborne are the class teacher and Mrs Churm is the class Teaching Assistant with Miss Feely.
The children have a packed year ahead of them, with an equal measure of fun and hard work!
During this year you will see the children become more self-assured, confident and mature as they learn to be much more independent in their approach to school work. We will encourage them to become more responsible for their learning, whether it is in the class, or at home completing tasks set for them. Please encourage your child to read every night and learn their spellings and tables. The children will use Purple Mash to support their learning, particularly with setting and handing in homework.
Please find attached our newsletter and curriculum map:
Term 2 2023 - Newsletter and Learning